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 an adventure that lasts a lifetime. Graham dedicates the book to his family, Margaret, Paul, and Lara Johnson; the Benhorins; friends Mari, Steve, and Andrew; and his partners Flower and Anna Kuo. He also thanks his mentors at the Scripps Research Institute, Arthur Olson, David Goodsell, Ron Milligan, and Ian Wilson, for developing his career. Jennifer thanks her husband Jonathan for his strong backing and her lab members for their enthusiasm for the project. Tom dedicates the book to his wife Patty, a constant source of support and inspiration for more than five decades, and his children Katie and Dan, who also provided advice on the book. He also thanks Ed Korn and the late Sus Ito for the opportunity to learn biochemistry and microscopy under their guidance, and Ed Taylor and the late Hugh Huxley, who served as role models.
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